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FANHALL ID: if03087
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片名: 当我们同在一起
其它片名: /Things We Do When We Fall in Love
导演: 李添兴
编剧: 李添兴
制片人: 林丽娟
摄影: 张毓轩
声音: Soundwise
剪辑: J. Ishmael
主演: 罗木来, 凌秀眉
片长: 89分钟
年份: 2007年
类型: 剧情
国别: 马来西亚
语言: 普通话

影片概述 . . . . . .


The movie follows two unfortunate secret lovers who are constantly looking for a solution to their situation. Both of them are always arguing over their relationship. One day they went to a trip out of the city, into the outskirt. They hope they can solve their problems or at least escape them temporarily. They don’t have a solution, and they don’t understand why they are together. One thing that keeps them together is their love and care for each other.
This is the second installment of James Lee’s Love trilogy which takes another look at unfaithfulness or rather faithlessness.

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