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Can this "film" be considered as a film? Imagine the situation: somebody puts a handy cam over a tripod and in front of a sea promenade and film... (更多...)

(4444 上传)

,《Five Dedicated to Ozu》海报

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Saturday Night and Sunday Morning/浪子春潮
怪奇!腐烂的家 日野日出志のザ・ホラー怪奇劇場 第二夜 爛れた家「蔵六の奇病」より
L'amour à mort/生死恋
Depuis qu/让爱飞翔
Toe to Toe/针锋相对
Calling an ocean
Ningen no joken I/人间的条件(第一、二部)
Zamani barayé masti asbha/醉马时刻