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2005-6-22 13:00  来源:fanhall.com 作者:fanhall.com   感谢 fanhallfilm 的投递


Yangjiagou is located in the east mountains of the town of CaoChuan.It’s a tiny act-of-the-way village and the transportation is inconvenient. The village head has his nephew ,who is a student in
the senior middle school of the country then, come back to be the teacher because the former teacher in the primary school is too old to teach. Yangjinsheng’s father die before the New Year’s Day, leaving Jinsheng and his great-grandma depending on each other for survival. Jinsheng is unable to earn his own living, so he decided to teach in the village. The head of the town gives the village head a milk cow donated by others to offset the overdue wages. Jinsheng and his student treasurt the milk very much. He used the money from the sales of milk to buy new chairs and desks. Yangxiaofeng, one of his student, took to him gradually. She always helps do washing and cooking. One night it rains heavily, Yangjinsheng is weighed down by a pile of bricks and wood. When he is trying to get the chairs and desks out of the leaking room. Yangxiaofeng uses the pregnant milk cow to pull away the stuff on Yangjinsheng’s leg. The milk cow dies of a difficult labor. Yangxiaofeng also goes out of the village to work because her father’s waist is broken in the coal mine. A rainy night, Yangjinsheng reads the letter left by Yangxiaofeng. On a sunny day in February, Yangjinsheng carrys his great-grandma on his back and comes to the mountain top, overlooking his father’s tomb on the opposite mountain slope. 

2002.3      《追梦的人》      纪录片   35分钟
2003.7      《小村人家》      纪录片   48分钟
2004.4      《不关相亲什么事》纪录片   15分钟
于2004年8月中旬拍摄长片DV作品《一只花奶牛》       故事片   98分钟

一只花奶牛》 荣获第19届瑞士弗里堡电影节(19th Fribourg International Film Festival)“文化奖”(Ecumenical Jury Award)和“唐诘可德”奖(FICC Jury,Don Quijote Prize of the International Federation of Film Societies)
  yangjin  A student of Colege of Art And Communication of Beijing Normal University.
2002.3     <The Man of Dream>              Documentory  35m

2003.7     <The Villagers>                 Documentory  48m

2004.4     <Not About Blindly Date>        Documentory  15m
 2004.12    <The Black And White Milk Cow>  Fiction      98m
              "Ecumenical Jury Award"
              "FICC Jury,Don Quijote Prize of the International Federation of Film Societies"  
              (19th Fribourg International Film Festival)  



