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2007-4-30 2:41  来源: 作者:   感谢 fanhallfilm 的投递

片名(Title): 南京路        

英文名(English Title)Street life

片长(Running Time)98 mins

年份(Year of Production)2007.3.


全球首映 World Premiere


导演(Director):赵大勇 Zhao Dayong

制片人(Producer): 赵大勇 Zhao Dayong        

摄影(Cinematography):赵大勇 Zhao Dayong      

录音(Sound):李青 Li Qing               

剪辑(Editing):赵大勇 Zhao Dayong              

公司(Production) 大道工作室


梗概 Synopsis




They are from all over China, without true names or social relations. They call one another after the names of their hometowns. They make a living by collecting garbage, stealing, begging, and singing. Treading on the fringes of society , these people gather together in the alleys near Nanjing Road. In the hustle and bustle of life, some live hopefully and some happily – others can’t bear the burden and go mad.



相关链接: 赵大勇 李青 4 赵大勇



