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2008-6-5 12:35  来源:中国纪录片交流周 作者:现象工作室   感谢 fanhallfilm 的投递





Thank you very much. This has been a very exhilarating week for us. There can be no doubt that China is one of the most exciting documentary scenes in the world. The high quality of all the films shown this week is ample evidence of the filmmakers’ delightful commitment to the world, their vibrancy of vision, the urgency of their compassion (and sometimes their rage as well). The directors assembled here certainly bring new meaning to the “independence” of independent documentary. The films left us charmed, angered, surprised, and impassioned, in equal measure.





As jurors, we found our job both difficult and effortless at the same time.




It was difficult because every film was so deeply compelling. Indeed, every artist in the competition should realize that their very presence in the competition is incontrovertible evidence of their work’s excellence. The invitation to the competition is quite an accomplishment—exceedingly so when the field is of such superior quality to begin with. The difficulty of our job came from the sheer competitiveness of the competition.





That said, we also found our job remarkably simple. In fact, we came to a consensus within minutes of sitting down. Upon sharing our feelings, we learned that all three of us had come to the same conclusion: of all the films we saw, two stood out far above the crowd. They were of such impressive quality and power that we felt torn by our charter to rank one higher than the other. Thus, we settled on a simple solution to our dilemma.




Although we had so many excellent choices before us, we have elected not to give a third prize. Instead, we proffer two Independent Spirit Awards of 5,000 RMB each.




And the films are Ghost Town and Survival Song.



The strength of Survival Song comes from its sheer simplicity. At its center moves a man who is both sad and comic. He inspires both laughter and tears—a dizzying mix encapsulated in the image of the man passionately singing and dancing. But he is never, ever a ridiculous figure. This is because the director has discovered how to carefully measure the distance between himself and his subjects. He knows precisely how near to approach, how long to show things before turning away. Consider the delicate intimacy of the evening scenes, just barely lit by the glow of candles. Quiet discussions in the darkness. Candles. Faces. Voices. It is exquisite. Although the director is discrete, we can sense his presence always. We feel him in the snow. In Life. He never pushes a message or advances an argument; instead, he coaxes spectators into knowing a situation. And curiously enough, he refuses to offer a total explanation of that situation. He does not take us to the dam, or concentrate on the spectacles of collapsing homes. Instead, we gather around the glow of candles, invited to find the whole of humanity, all of its frustrations and possibilities in a most concrete way. The humanity and love of the director is palpable in every scene of Survival Song.







The second film is quite different. It has a three-part structure, but it is far from schematic.




The first section, entitled “Voices,” introduces us to a polyphony of voices from the past and present. It introduces us to the tragic history of the town and the people who have come to inhabit it. The catastrophes cascade into the present to become concentrated in the broken relationship between father and son, and in the competing visions of Christian sects—only to be resolved at the section’s conclusion in a harmonic chorus of voices singing a lovely hymn transported from times past. The second section, “Recollections,” introduces other complicated human relationships—women sold by fathers, men abandoned by wives or mothers. Gripped by the past, they are crippled by memory.


Finally, in “Innocence,” the final section, we are introduced to a little boy living alone after having been abandoned by his family—surely the most frightening situation one could imagine. However, he lives with gusto, seemingly oblivious to the difficulty of his situation or the web of adult relationships awaiting his future—the future that Mao points to off in the hazy distance. With its three movements, this is the most ambitious film in the festival, yet it is so so delicate. The director gives us ample time to absorb what’s before us. Absorb, reflect, and grasp the profundity of the circumstances.








These two films impressed us deeply. They moved us with their sincerity and we cannot bring ourselves to privilege one over the other. These are the finest films of the festival, the winners of the Independent Spirit Award.







