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上访/PETITION / 赵亮


Paris, Texas/Motel Chronicles/德克萨斯的巴黎 / Wim Wenders

At face value, the screen story, about a dysfunctional family, is weak. The plot is not really credible. The lead character (Travis) is an older man who in the first ten minutes of the film wonders alone in the desert like a horse with no name, seemingly suffering from severe trauma. But Travis' later behavior and the behavior of other characters in the film are not believable, given this opening gambit. However, if we discard our need to interpret behavior rationally, then the film works, eith...

Tokyo-Ga/ / Wim Wenders

Wim Wenders attempts to turn his first trip to Japan into a homage to Ozu and an exploration of Japanese modernity, contrasted with the images of a bygone era glimpsed in Tokyo Monogatari. This is a deeply personal film, an unabashed pilgrimage by Wenders in search of his muse. His rambling narration, impenetrable at times, offers little insight on Japan. What first-time visitor can encapsulate a city as complex as Tokyo? The film works better on the subject of Ozu, the interviews with actor Ch...

Der Himmel über Berlin/对号入座 / Wim Wenders

A calm and wonderful fantasy with such a simple vision that makes you want to believe in angels. Perhaps they are there... whenever my mood changes, seemingly unprompted, I always wonder. Hijacked and debased by people who don't know any better (even U2, I'm afraid, and the American remake must be avoided at all costs - ideally it should be wiped from the record and the memories of all who saw it) this film has become iconic and has infected the imaginations of countless filmmakers. Look carefu...

Bis ans Ende der Welt/Until the End of the World / Wim Wenders

Until the End of the World" is a movie that has never gotten the recognition that it deserves. Occurring in 1999, when the Indian nuclear satellite has gone out of control (and no one knows where it's going to land), the movie focuses on Frenchwoman Claire Tourneur (Solveig Dommartin) following American Sam Farber (William Hurt) all over the world. Sam has a most ingenious device that enables his blind mother (Jeanne Moreau) to see, and some other people are trying to get their hands on it. I s...

Lisbon Story/Viagem a Lisboa / Wim Wenders

I watched this movie a few days ago with the strong impression of having seen it before. Anyway my first impression as it started was great because I felt as lost as the personality on the screen and I am sure that was Wender's intention. We are first and foremost lost in translation as we are lost as tourists on the road to Lisbon. We are children once again. This film is marvelous. Definitely my favorite Wenders movie to date. It captures almost all the things which never cease to fascinate me...

The Million Dollar Hotel/百万美元大酒店 / Wim Wenders

I've been impressed and moved as I haven't been for years. One of the best Wenders' films. Famous for road movies Wenders bewitches with flow movement and sound. The sound struck me most this time. All voices are very characteristic and exquisitely orchestrated. Besides they are imperceptibly interwoven into U2 music. Speaking of U2, their music is I believe of the same nature as Wim Wenders cinematography art - smooth flow and yet very disturbing and full of latent force. So this combination is...

Ten Minutes Older/ / Spike Lee

dream come true for art-house film buffs, and anyone whose out looking for an interesting way to spend 90 minutes. This is perhaps one of the most amazing collection of short films. The secret lies in the vast variety of genre and style of the films. From pure eye-candy to dramatic documentaries. In a collection like this, there is no such thing as "out of place". I found all the films enjoyable and interesting. For me, the weakest segment was the Wim Wenders film. It felt like an episode of a m...

歩いても 歩いても/橫山家之味 / 是枝裕和

夏の終わり、横山良多は妻と息子を連れて実家を訪れた。開業医だった父とそりのあわない良多は現在失業中のこともあり、ひさびさの帰郷も気が重い。明るい姉の一家も来て、老いた両親の家には久しぶりに笑い声が響く。得意料理をつぎつぎにこしらえる母と、相変わらず家長としての威厳にこだわる父親。ありふれた家族の風景だが、今日は、15年前に亡くなった横山家の長男の命日。何気ない会話の中に、それぞれの思いが沁み出していく……。 重回现代剧题材的是枝裕和擅长借助四季的变迁来表现人物的情感变化,而最具生命力的夏天则是他最...

誰も知らない/谁知赤子心 / 是枝裕和

トラックからアパートに荷物が運び込まれてゆく。引っ越してきたのは母けい子(YOU)と明(柳楽優弥)、京子(北浦愛)、茂(木村飛影)、ゆき(清水萌々子)の4人の子供たち。だが、大家には父親が海外赴任中のため母と長男だけの二人暮らしだと嘘をついている。母子家庭で4人も子供がいると知られれば、またこの家も追い出されかねないからだ。その夜の食卓で母は子供たちに「大きな声で騒がない」「ベランダや外に出ない」という新しい家でのルールを言い聞かせた。 子供たちの父親はみな別々で、学校に通ったこともない。それでも母...

ワンダフルライフ/ / 是枝裕和

『幻の光』 でヴェネチア映画祭 金のオゼッラ賞をはじめ数々の賞を受賞した是枝裕和監督の第2作 『ワンダフルライフ』 は、人が死んでから天国へたどりつくまでの7日間というファンタジックな設定の中で、"人にとって思い出とは何か?"という普遍的なテーマを描いた作品です。 死者役として一般の人々が多数登場しているのも大きな見どころの一つ。映画制作の準備を本格的にスタートさせた97年の夏からクランク佐藤 譲イン直前までの6ヶ月、スタッフがそれぞれビデオカメラを持ち、老人ホームやとげぬき地蔵、オフィス街の公園、大学の...

Love Is Colder than Death/ / Rainer Werner Fassbinder

兰茨·瓦尔什是一个慕尼黑青年,他曾犯过抢劫和拉皮条的罪而坐牢。出狱后,他决定洗手不干了,不了却被一个黑社会组织盯上,将他绑架到另一个城市,使用禁闭、威胁、毒打和许诺等各种手段要他为该组织服务。但他始终拒绝为其卖命,最后,该组织装着无计可施的将他释放,暗地里却派一个叫布鲁诺的小白脸跟着他,要他引诱弗兰茨犯罪,从而迫使他就范。弗兰茨在囚禁期间,已和布鲁诺认识,他在释放时邀请布鲁诺去找他。   布鲁诺不久来到慕尼黑,找到了弗兰茨和他女友——妓女约汉娜,弗兰茨要约汉娜为布鲁诺献身,约汉娜一心一意想和弗兰...

告别圆明园/Farewell Yuanmingyuang / 赵亮

1995 年夏天,圆明园的朋友告诉我警察开始抓人了,我觉得应该记录下这件事情,由于我当时没有摄像机,于是就找朋友王永刚商量,他帮我买了一台HI8摄像机,于是就拍摄了圆明园画家村的最后时刻。

河上的爱情/Cry Me A River / 贾樟柯


二十四城记/24 city / 贾樟柯

1958年,一家东北的工厂内迁西南。 大丽,1958年从沈阳来到成都,成为工厂的第一代女工,千里之遥的迁徙带给她难以释怀的往事。 小花,1978年从上海航校分配到厂里,外号 “标淮件”,是工人心目中的美丽厂花。 娜娜,1982年出生,在时尚城市和老厂之间行走,她说她是工人的女儿。 三代厂花的故事和五位讲述者的真实经历,演绎了一座国营工厂的断代史。 他们的命运,在这座制造飞机的工厂中展开。 2008年,工厂再次迁移到新的工业园区,位于市中心的土地被房地产公司购买,新开发的楼盘取名“二十四城”。 往事成追忆,斗转星移动。时代不...

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