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戀人路上/Lovers on the Road / 曾翠珊

蒋蕾与男朋友南大吵了一场,他们依然上路,感情形势令她不得不对周边环境警觉起来。在行将举行奥运的京城,蕾去纪录其它外来者的心声,问他们叫甚么名字,是哪裹人,今年多大,在北京多久,此刻最想念的是甚么。同样的问题她也要交出答案,然后,她问着从日本来的道治。曾翠珊的第一部长片延续她之前几部短片的女生飘泊主题,陌生人在同一天空下的心路意象:单车游城,油菜花田,大佛脚下,均不落俗套。 Lei and her boyfriend Nam have a big fight over an ex of his before moving to Beijing. Now he works in a design firm, and sh...

農村初中/Junior High School / 张虹

本片在云南省昭通市山区一所中学拍摄,用了三星期记录学校日常活动,如学生上课及老师开会等,以探讨国内农村教育情况。本片采用「直接电影」手法,不设旁述及访问。 The documentary takes place in a middle school in Zhao Tong. The film follows the daily life of the students and the teachers of the under-funded school. It tries to explore the present condition of China’s education system in rural areas.

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