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Persona/ / Ingmar Bergman

This, what could be Bergman's 27th effort as writer and director, is a film I've gone back to over the years, because over time I wish to work out what it truly means. Everything that we see in its way of communication, its dialect, its structure of implications are completely apparent. Its only mere evocations are of hidden realities, and we lose hope of finding them. It is about motherhood, or abandoning it. It is about existentialism, or a sensation of bewilderment and loss of nerve despite a...

Notti di Cabiria, Le/Nights of Cabiria / Federico Fellini

Gorgeous early Fellini, often considered the mid-point in his career, between the more obviously reflective, supposedly realistic early work, and the bleak extravaganzas that followed. But Fellini was never a neo-realist in the dull way Rossellini was: his use of landscape was always heavily symbolic or subjective. Here Cabiria lives in the middle of a bleak wasteland, which perhaps serves to figure the emptiness of her life, the sterility of life for women in macho Italy, or a comment on post-f...

牯岭街少年杀人事件/A Brighter Summer Day / 杨德昌

结识小明(杨静怡饰)前,小四(张震饰)是典型的乖仔,是父母的希望和兄妹的骄傲(一家人指望他考上名牌大学将来提升全家的社会地位),他有一个喜欢摇滚乐的自称“小猫王(王启赞饰)”的好友,两人虽会去树林看人幽会,但过的是与周围诸多在“小公园”混的少年人完全两样的生活。 喜欢上小明后,小四开始被外界的各种力量牵着鼻子走,像跌进一个无底深渊一样。新识仰慕对象honey(林鸿铭饰)猝死,一向敬重的父亲的自尊与精神因为某次事件严重受损,加上“看透”了“欺骗玩弄”感情的小明,血气方刚又有很强道德感的小四终于走上犯罪...

独立时代/恋爱时代/A Confucian Confusion / 杨德昌

Birdy(王也民饰)、Molly(倪淑君饰)、琪琪(陈湘琪饰)、小明(王维明饰)四个大学同学毕业后做着不同的工作,表面光鲜程度虽有异,但都有身份转变 (由学生到社会人)时期的尴尬。而这其中最难做人的,是夹在好友Molly与男友小明之间的琪琪,她只能暗自努力,以期好友、男友的事业与生活能有所改观,三人的关系能有所改善,但得到的却是双方的误会。 Molly的姐夫(阎鸿亚饰)在认定生活就是由若干玩笑构成的排列组合后,开始转身面向两千多年前的孔子,然而他自认重获精神家园之时,却收获了同琪琪一样的无奈——两人被认定不过是演...

麻将/Mahjong/Couples / 杨德昌

富商儿子红鱼(唐从圣饰)从父亲那里学到很多骗人之术,他和纶纶(柯宇纶饰)、牙膏(王启赞饰)、香港(张震饰)组成一个四人小集团,到处敛财骗色。有一次,他们在咖啡店里遇见从法国来台北寻找男友的女孩马特拉(维吉妮亚•雷多尔恩饰),红鱼就此盯上了她,意图欺骗对方。   但伦伦良心发现,并带马特拉躲到了自己家。之后,红鱼要报复曾与父亲(张国柱饰)有奸情的老女人Angel(吴家丽饰),要香港去勾引她……。

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