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The heritage of mountain people

FANHALL ID: if03548
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片名: The heritage of mountain people
其它片名: 山区人民的遗产
导演: Erich Langjahr
编剧: Erich Langjahr
声音: Dieter Lengacher, Silvia Haselbeck
剪辑: Erich Langjahr
音乐: Hans Kennel
片长: 97分钟
年份: 2006年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 瑞士
格式: 35mm
制作机构: Langjahr Film GmbH

影片概述 . . . . . .

一次在瑞士最后遗存的山区的独特的体验,施维茨州的山谷。获奖导演Langjahr回到自己心爱的阿尔卑斯山,记录他们的祖先遗留下来的一群人。每年8月1日是瑞士国庆节,越野者登上Hinteren Heubrig陡峭的山,配备了镰刀和穿钉木鞋,就像他们的祖先之前做的那样。他们属于那些一直生活在大自然的挑战中并最终活下来的一代人。在Langjahr的电影中,他的诗意现实主义呈现给人们一种对简单生活的透视,这正是人类生存的根基。A unique opportunity to experience the last remaining mountain haymakers in the Muotatal, a valley in Canton Schwyz, Switzerland. Award-winning director Langjahr returns to his beloved Alps to document a group of people continuing the legacy of their forefathers. Every year on Swiss National day, August 1, the Wildheuer climb up the steep mountain of the “Hinteren Heubrig”, fitted out with scythes and wearing wooden shoes with spikes, just as their ancestors did before them. They are part of a generation who have lived with the challenges of nature and survived it. In his film, Langjahr’s poetic realism gives an insight into these people’s experience of the simple life, the very foundation of human existence.

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