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Manners Of Dying

FANHALL ID: if02271
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片名: Manners Of Dying
其它片名: 末日戏码/末日戲碼
导演: Jeremy Peter Allen
片长: 100分钟
年份: 2004年
类型: 劇情片
国别: 加拿大
语言: 英语

影片概述 . . . . . .

殺人與被殺,一旦跌進國家執行死刑的框架,就該是由「正義」出手,終結「惡棍」的生命,再簡單俐落不過?對典獄長帕林頓(Parlington)、和將臨 死刑處決的凱文(Kevin)而言,死刑執行前的數小時,可以充滿悲傷、殘酷與無奈,也可以是輕鬆、詭譎、諷刺、瘋狂而可笑的。由典獄長、死囚、證人、醫 生、行刑者、獄卒、獄廚共同演出的這齣死囚末日戲碼,為合法的國家殺人演繹出各種面貌。死囚與其他面對死刑的人,因為死亡近在眼前而產生的複雜情緒,也將 呈現其中。本片將「死刑」還原為「生」與「死」間的掙扎,將執行死刑者與死囚還原為「人」,將社會慣常簡化的「惡」、「恨」與「正義」,還原為各種人性反 應,帶觀眾走一趟「正義殺人」的失樂園。

Directed by Jeremy Peter Allen
Is the act of killing or being killed, through the lense of death penality, stands for the by-all end-all procedure of justice? Or is it that simple?
To warden Parlington and death row inmate Kevin, the few hours before execution is the time that takes you through one end of the emotional spectrum to the other. "Manner of Dying" gets all the personnels from the death row invovled, and presents the different sides of the legal killing.
This is a film that represent death penalty into the struggle between life and death. It view inmates as human being, evil and justice as common emotional response. This is a trip into the world of "legal killing".

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