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Harutyun Khachatryan

FANHALL ID: im07423
姓名: Harutyun Khachatryan
生日: 不详

影人概述: . . . . . .

:Harutyun KHACHATRYAN (1955, Armenië) rondde zijn filmstudie in Georgië af in 1981. Hij werkte als regisseur en regieassistent en was tot 2005 hoofd van de documentaireafdeling van de Hayfilm/Armenfilm Studio. Khachatryan is medeoprichter en directeur van het Golden Apricot International Film Festival in Yerevan, Armenië.

Mer taghi dzaynere/The Voices from our Neighbourhood (1981, short doc), Mi eghelutyan khronika/Chronicles of an Event (1985, short doc), A Visit with the Commander (1985, short doc), Erek raund engibaryani kyankic/Three Rounds in Yengibarian's Life (1986, short), Kond (1987, short doc), Spitak kaghak/White Town (1989, short doc), Kamin unaynutyan/Wind of Oblivion (1990), Veradardz avetyats yerkir/Return to the Promised Land (1992, doc), Verjin kayaran/The Last Station (1994), Vaveragrogh/Documentarist (2003, doc), Poeti veradrdze/Return of the Poet (2005, doc), Sahman/Border (2009)

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