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FANHALL ID: if00277
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片名: 夏至
其它片名: 夏至/The Summer Solstice
导演: 李睿珺
编剧: 李睿珺
制片人: 李睿琪
摄影: 刘乾军
美术: 沈浩
声音: 肖翔
剪辑: 张林
主演: 郑辉, 宋金阳, 张敏
片长: 105分钟
年份: 2007年
类型: 剧情
国别: 中国
语言: 中文
格式: HD
制作机构: 李睿珺电影工作室

影片概述 . . . . . .


The brief description of <>:

HuYang arrived in Beijing with a sustained effort in a hot summer. In order to change his fate, he managed a company with friends without finishing his college education, but unluckily,his company went broke. Because of the high debts, he decided to be a bonze, just as he went back to Beijing in a bad mood, he met his sister-in-law, YangHua. Then they lived in narrow room, looking for his younger brother, HuTao. Gradually, they fell into love with each other. Soon after, HuYang was called to return ancestral home for his father’s sad dead. Because of the dubious relationship between YangHua and HuYang, the whole family had a serious meeting to solve the problem. Finally, it ended with YangHua’s pregnancy. Finally the whole family had to agree on their marriage. After the short, happy marriage, but HuYang was not satisfied with the reality, so he left for Beijing again to reach for his old dreams. The world is always full of fortuity. Months later, when he came back home on a hot summer night, the small town far from Beijing but it is the same hot as it was in Beijing. Two women came from far away who got married in the same village; they mistook their own feelings about their darling for deep love……

导演阐述 . . . . . .

21世纪中国的一切都在变化之中,怀揣梦想的有志青年们全力奔跑在追逐梦想实现自我价值道路上,他们在看似波澜不惊却又感暗流涌动的现实生活河流里冲刷沉淀,一路走来回首望去,精心构建的一切瞬间便坍塌在固守的传统道德面前,面对变化中的一切,他们极力抗争却又无力改变扭转时局,面对现实是该固守还是随波逐流?彷徨、焦虑、躁动、沉默、敏感、冷漠,在耀眼的阳光下与充满悬念的生活中同样是有冲动、有爱情、有性、有幼稚、有失败、有冒险、有承诺、有责任、有逃避、有反抗也有成长……他们曾试图改变却被改变,原始的、变化的、传统的、现代的——所有的一切充斥在这个看似开阔却有封闭的空间里,使人的主题陷落,他们就此渡过了自己的青春, 生活的主题彻底迷失在这样一个现代文明社会丰富的物质生活里,没完没了,就像在夏至即将来到不停歇鸣叫的蝉……


An explanation of the script, <> by director:

At the beginning of 21st Century, China has changes. A great many educated youth with colorful dreams were running all the way to reach for their dreams and value. They were wandering in the river of reality life, up and down, which seems calm but rushed. While coming towards and looking back, everything was designed elaborately by them collapsed before the old traditional moral concepts. Facing to the changing things, they were longing for something but could not change the reality, to face to the reality or to go with the steam? They wandered, worried, anxious, silent, sensitive even look on the world with a cold eye. In the sunshine and in the life which is full of suspense, They impulse with love, they were childish, and then they failed, took a risk, they promised, also had responsibilities, They tried to escape reality, struggled and grew as well, they were eager to change the reality, as a result, they were changed by cruel life.

Everything was filled in the life space, which seemed wide, but closed, such as original、 changeable、 traditional、 modern and so on. The young people spent their youth in such hard situations ……

获得奖项 . . . . . .

The 9th International Panorama of Independent Film and Video Makers (2007), where it received The Special Feature Award.
The 31 th Sao Paulo International Film Festival (Competition - New Directors . 2007)
The 2th BeiJing International Film Festival (2007)
The 4th China International Film Festival (2007)
The Berlin Asian hotshots Film Festival (2008)
The 37th Rotterdam International Film Festival (Sturm und Drang . 2008)
The cinema digital seoul_film festival (2008 International Competition)
The Hong Kong Asian Film Festival Film Festival(2008)
To be collected by UCSD(U.S.A)(University of Califomia at San Diego)2007
The View Finder to Asian Film 2008
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黎臻(创建者), 黎臻

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评分: 10分 年月:-0001.11

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