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In weiter Ferne, so nah!

FANHALL ID: if01653
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片名: In weiter Ferne, so nah!
其它片名: 咫尺天涯/Faraway, So Close!
导演: Wim Wenders
编剧: Wim Wenders, Richard Reitinger, Ulrich Zieger
制片人: Ulrich Felsberg, Wim Wenders, Michael Schwarz
摄影: Jürgen Jürges
美术: Martin Schreiber
声音: Gunther Kortwich
剪辑: Peter Przygodda
主演: Bruno Ganz, Otto Sander, Nastassja Kinski, Martin Olbertz
音乐: David Darling, Laurent Petitgand, Graeme Revell
片长: 144分钟
年份: 1994年
类型: 剧情
国别: 德国
语言: 德语 法语 英语
制作机构: Bioskop Film

影片概述 . . . . . .

I can say this movie is one of the best movies I have ever watched (and I watched a lot of them). The roles were very well interpreted by good actors. Even when they are no actors at all, as Mikhail Gorbachyov who appears in a scene. Many things make this movie special. In it five languages are being spoken. Nevertheless it doesn't really matter. The protagonists can understand what is being said as though language difference is not that relevant for humans to understand each other. The pictures are the usual great Wim Wenders pictures. Black and white pictures indicate the coolness of the world of angels while colors indicate how colorful the world could be for humans (if they can see it!). It is an analysis of the relationship of man with the world around. Humans think that they are controlling the world, but the world is controlling their lives in fact. It shows how blind we can be in contemplating the beauty of the world around us. In this matter one could mention the movie called "The awakenings" (1990) although the two movies are in most aspects different. It is a movie about an angel who wants to become human in order to be able to understand humans, and how he gets into a complicated life. It helps a lot to see "The wings of desire" where the story between angels and humans started. Some things are hard to understand when you don't know the first movie. This movie is also an analysis of time. Emit Flesti (read backward Time itself) is a very interesting character that can communicate with both angels and humans, and who speaks about almost always about time and its meaning. For me he was also a mix of Lucifer and the death angel as well. The background of the whole story is Berlin after the fall of the wall, whereas "The wings of desire" took place before the end of the cold war.

This movie makes a genius use of fantasy to analyze our lives. Its main message is : "We (the angels) are not the message. We are the messengers and the message is love".


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有意思的是,著名前卫摇滚艺术家Lou Reed以本人的身份出现在片中,小小客串了一把。
——2009-04-23 17:42:14,4444上传

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