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FANHALL ID: if02126
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片名: 刺青
其它片名: /Spider Lilies
导演: 周美玲
编剧: 周美玲
制片人: 劉芸后
摄影: 劉芸后
声音: 杜篤之, 羅頌策
剪辑: 蕭汝冠
主演: 楊丞琳, 梁洛施
音乐: 黃建勳, 張見宇
片长: 97分钟
年份: 2007年
国别: 中国台湾
语言: 闽南语 国语
制作机构: 三映電影文化事業有限公司

影片概述 . . . . . .


Lycoris aurea: The golden flower is native to the northeastern coast of Taiwan. Local people call it the “spider lily”. Japanese legend has it that spider lilies line the path to hell, poisoning the memories of all who smell their scent, forming a bridge between the living and the dead. 
Tattoo artist Takeko keeps a framed design of the spider lily flower on the wall of her parlor. The design was literally cut from the flesh of her father, after he was crushed to death in an earthquake. The image of the spider lily tattoo is the last cohesive memory of Takeko's traumatized brother, Ching, who is no longer able to recognize anyone, including his sister. Takeko has the same tattoo of the poisonous flower on her body in the hope of helping Ching remember and bridging the gap between them.
Webcam girl Jade visits Takeko's tattoo parlor, looking for sexy decoration to excite her clientele. Entranced by the tattoo of the spider lily on the wall, Jade gives Takeko her business card and invites her to visit her on her website where she professes her love for the tattoo artist. Finally, Jade asks Takeko to give her the same spider lily tattoo to bring her closer to the object of her desire…

导演阐述 . . . . . .


Director’s Statement:
Human beings are fragile by nature. We perform certain “rituals” to protect ourselves without being aware of it.
Female tattoo artist Takeko goes through the physical pain of having a tattoo to ease her sorrow. Webcam girl Jade establishes her own world through a self-deceptive story, and only faces reality through the window of the computer screen.
Similarly, Ching, who suffers from a psychological disorder known as dissociative syndrome, loses his memory so as to deal with family trauma and abandonment. Regular customer A-Dong, an insecure gangster, finds his confidence and strength through colorful symbols on his skin. 
Tattoo is the ritual that connects all the characters in the film. It also reveals how fragile human beings are deep down inside.
Research shows that almost one in every seven to eight teenagers has a tattoo. Before we ask “why are they following such a superficial trend?”, maybe we should ask ourselves “why are we, as adults, so superficial that we don’t understand teenagers. And why do adults simplify the ritual of tattoo as meaningless fashion?”
Many rituals appear trivial at first sight, but in fact they serve an important function in our lives. We have to practice them in order to “pass” through life, in order to suture our wounds and settle our memories, in order to go forward.
Making films is my ritual.
In the film, Takeko’s teacher tells her that “as an artist, you have to know the secrets behind every tattoo, but you must never reveal them.”
Films do not divulge secrets. Watching films is similar to the process of getting a tattoo; one can only understand the mysteries behind the films by going through the ritual.
During the 90 minutes in a movie theater, one can only hope to experience a wonderful story and go through a beautiful, tense, shocking and moving emotional ride. Then, at the end of the movie, one can go home with a sense of fulfillment.
This is the only thing I can do for my fellow human beings.

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