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FANHALL ID: if00359
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片名: 下流诗歌
其它片名: /Low-class Poems/Rough Poetry
导演: 赵大勇
编剧: 赵大勇
制片人: 班志远
摄影: 赵大勇, 李青
美术: 李青
声音: 朱芳琼
剪辑: 赵大勇
主演: 沈少裘, 伍叔, 小王, 李序
片长: 48分钟
年份: 2008年
类型: 实验片
国别: 中国

影片概述 . . . . . .


A policeman is shut in a cage, together with some guys
He pontificates, as well as has them read out his poems

导演阐述 . . . . . .


Enjailed in this space. Low-class speakings is the key to another space.Guess what would come into your mind after watching on each of these characters over one minute.

获得奖项 . . . . . .

2006年维也纳国际电影节展映 Vienna International Film Festival
2007年Berlin/Germanyglobale filmfestival
2007年北京纪录片交流周评委会奖Documentary Film Festival China
2007中国云之南电影节Yunnan Multi Culture Visual Festival
2008年上海 巴黎 北京城市中国街道艺术大展
5rd Filmfestival "globale 07” KOELN

currently living in Guangzhou;
studied at the Oil Painting Department of Shenyang Luxun Academy of Fine Arts;
started as a professional painter in Beijing from 1992;
worked as a graphic designer in Guangzhou from 1995;
started to direct TV commercials from 1997;
founded a Chinese contemporary art magazine CULTURE AND MORALS in 1997;
established Guangzhou Dake Advertising Company in 1998;
studied as a visiting scholar in the USA from 2000 to 2001;
took on independent reality movie production in 2001;
directed the post production of the Fairy Tale, witnessing a behavior performance organized by Chinese artist Ai Weiwei for the German DOCUMENTA KASSEL in 2007.
Personal Works Exhibition:
shown at the Guangzhou Catherine Art Center in 1997.
My Father House,in(production)
Street Life,2006
and Ghost Town;2008
This Group of People;2007
About Street Life:
wins the Jury Prize of the 2007 Documentary Film Festival China;
wins City of Rome Prize at the 2007 Rome AsiaticaFilmMediale.
the 2006 Vienna International Film Festival;
the Globale Film Festival In Berlin, Germany;
the Yunnan Multi Culture Visual Festival;
the 2007 Pingyao Photography Festival;
and it is collected by:
the Li Xianting Film Fund in 2007;
the Chinese Universities of Hong Kong;
Ghost Town win the Independent Spirit Award of the 5th CDFF.

评论列表(2) . . . . . . ( 发表新评论 ) ( 更多评论 )

“下流”的艺术 [展开/收起]
长命百岁   2008-12-11 20:39:48   1回应
片子较偏向艺术性,在短片中的表现力很突出,味道可以好好嚼几天,可惜当天导演没来…… 不过导演有超级预测能力的。2088年《废墟》获奖,那时我们都...

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