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Destins de Manoel

FANHALL ID: if05087
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片名: Destins de Manoel
其它片名: 曼努尔的欲望/Manuel on the Island of Wonders
导演: Raoul Ruiz 
编剧: João Botelho, Leonor Pinhão
制片人: Paulo Branco
摄影: Acácio de Almeida 
声音: Jean-Claude Brisson
剪辑: Rudolfo Wedeles
主演: Armanda Bacelar, Isabel Branco
音乐: Jorge Arriagada 
片长: 152分钟
年份: 1985年
类型: 剧情
国别: 法国 / 葡萄牙
语言: 法语
制作机构: Rita Filmes

影片概述 . . . . . .

This three part French TV serial for children (alternate versions exist as a feature, Manoel's Destinies, and a 4 part Portuguese TV serial, Adventure in Madeira) is the favourite of many devotees of Raúl Ruiz. This is because it ties the enchantment and mystery of Lewis Carroll, Carlo Collodi and the Brothers Grimm to the filmmaker's experiments with narrative strategies and what he calls the pentaludic model of storytelling (where characters are thrown dice-like into combinations and situations governed by the play of Chance and Destiny).

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